Coffins of U.S. military personnel are offloaded at Dover Air Force Base in Dover, Delaware in this undated file photo. The U.S. military death toll in Iraq has reached 3,000 on December 31, 2006, an unwelcome milestone for President George W. Bush who is searching for a way to turn around the unpopular war even if it means sending more troops. The Pentagon tightly restricts publication of photographs of coffins with the remains of U.S. troops and has forbidden journalists from taking pictures at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, the first stop for the bodies of troops being sent home. REUTERS/U.S. Air Force
Revisión completa. Un soldado israelí cachea a un palestino en la ciudad cisjordana deHebrón. (20minutos)
Israeli soldier fires tear gas at Palestinian refugees in Nablus in the West Bank on February 21 [Reuters]
Que horror....! mas desde que passe na TV...
Primeira foto: ora... diz-me lá pá ...pra qué que serve isto ?
Tudo isto é uma vergonha !!!!!
Fico com náuseas....e mal disposto !!!
Quando a política passa pelo apertar o pescoço...o melhor é estar calado....regras da democracia...
Todo o Mundo acha chocante..mas o quê ....
E se não tivesse passado na Televisão ???
O Mundo está maluco !!!!
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